Monday, 31 July 2023

The first flight

 The first flight of a small bird it's a difficult situation for the bird they were fear to fly up it's a crucial moment for his family. his family was encouraged to fly up but they can not fly to his fear it's a small bird they couldn't have on the first flight. the bird and family live in the big tree they have to eat food out said of the tree and they do not have stored food for tomorrow, they have to eat food from the out said of the tree as it's not near to their tree.

The most important thing is how to fly the small bird his mother couldn't have to give food to the small bird they have to fly up and they can collect food for us. but the small bird has not flown because of his fear, The small bird has very hungry he couldn't have to fly up and their mother did not give him food.

But in the extreme stage of his hungry,  he can try to fly up and the first time he can not fly up he could try to achieve the depth of his hungry he can try to fly and not give up his mind and they should try to fly up they could 't have to drop out them. And finally, the result of hard work the bird achieves his first flight. the bird can not give up his aim and one day he can achieve it. the message is to; not give up your dreams in any difficult situations are facing to them, the main aim is how to achieve our dreams in our life it's the most important thing it must be full fill it. They can fly up and collect and eat food and they can save your life.



Fly up with dreams

 Fly up with your dreams to full fill your own way.  The main thing is to capture dreams throughout your lifetime all of us dreams are not bad one of the dreams is very useful for the capture to improve ourselves and said a   message for all of us live no one can not be unachievable all the things or dreams are achievable ones.  
People are day to day moving on to many difficult scenarios in live time and both of them dream is to move through a comfort zone and build a peaceful life to enjoy and capture their dreams. The dream captures aim is to capture their own dreams through hard work and dedication to achieve the dream.   the many situations they have to think they could 't capture their dreams but those situations are faced and overcome on it they will not give up their dreams. Tell us a message about any difficult situations you face once but do not give up on your dreams.

In todays society people have so many dreams are there but the effort of full fill their dream is a very small effort some people try to full fill their dream and one day they have achieved them. dream 
capture is the most important way of achieving their dreams. today's life of all people have engaged all time in their business and personal problems they have to move on with the situation of their life and they can be utilized some time to capture their own dreams. 

The first flight

 The first flight of a small bird it's a difficult situation for the bird they were fear to fly up it's a crucial moment for his fa...